Doctoral DEGREE

All Doctoral Degree program students must complete required units indicated by the Major of their choice. A minimum of 24 Units must be completed at NDU.



Student must have earned a Master’s degree from an accredited school or its equivalent.

Complete application and registration form.

Submit records of all previous college level work completed.

Students may request acceptance of transfer credit from an accredited school or its equivalent.  Determination will be made by Registrar and approved by Academic Dean.

Students may request assessment of lifetime learning/professional experience.  Determination and assessment of advanced standing will be made by Academic Dean.

Students may elect to receive a letter grade such as (A-C), or may elect to receive credit (CR) or no credit (NC).  It is the student’s responsibility to request the type of grade they desire at the beginning of each course.  All courses may be on Grade or (CR/NC).

Required Courses

Ministry  | 15 units Total

MIN-610         Homiletics II

MIN-611         Homiletics III

MIN-704         Church Records

MIN-707         The Church Library

MIN-801         Church Officers

MIN-660         Ministry Internship

Administration | 3 units Total

ADM-501       Leadership & Church Management I

Dissertation Writing | 6 units Total

ENG-801        Dissertation Writing: Methods of Research

ENG-802        Dissertation Writing: Literature Review

ENG-803        Dissertation Writing: Annotated Bibliography

ENG-804        Dissertation Writing: Abstract

ENG-805        Dissertation Writing: Bibliography

ENG-806        Dissertation Writing: Test & Measurements

Program Tuition

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Registration Fee

A $250.00 Registration Fee is due upon accepting your application.

Doctor of philosophy in biblical counseling

All Doctoral Degree program students must complete required units indicated by the Major of their choice. A minimum of 24 Units must be completed at NDU.


Student must have earned a Master’s degree from an accredited school or its equivalent.

Complete application and registration form.

Submit records of all previous college level work completed.

Students may request acceptance of transfer credit from an accredited school or its equivalent.  Determination will be made by Registrar and approved by Academic Dean.

Students may request assessment of lifetime learning/professional experience.  Determination and assessment of advanced standing will be made by Academic Dean.

Students may elect to receive a letter grade such as (A-C), or may elect to receive credit (CR) or no credit (NC).  It is the student’s responsibility to request the type of grade they desire at the beginning of each course.  All courses may be on Grade or (CR/NC).

Required Courses

Ministry  | 15 units Total

MIN-610         Homiletics II

MIN-611         Homiletics III

MIN-704         Church Records

MIN-707         The Church Library

MIN-801         Church Officers

MIN-660         Ministry Internship

Administration | 3 units Total

ADM-501       Leadership & Church Management I

Dissertation Writing | 6 units Total

ENG-801        Dissertation Writing: Methods of Research

ENG-802        Dissertation Writing: Literature Review

ENG-803        Dissertation Writing: Annotated Bibliography

ENG-804        Dissertation Writing: Abstract

ENG-805        Dissertation Writing: Bibliography

ENG-806        Dissertation Writing: Test & Measurements

Program Tuition

The Doctor’s degree consists of 60 units. Tuition will be charged at the rate of $250 per unit, totaling $15,000 dollars. Students must complete all class requirements and satisfy all financial obligations in order to graduate.

Doctor of Religious Studies

All Doctoral Degree program students must complete required units indicated by the Major of their choice. A minimum of 24 Units must be completed at NDU.


Candidates entering the Ph.D. program shall have earned a Master’s Degree including thirty (30) units of prerequisites in Biblical Studies. The candidate will be required to complete 60 units to include 21 units of core subjects listed below. A candidate may elect to enroll in a concurrent (Ph.D./DRE); (Ph.D./MBC) program. Candidates electing a concurrent program may fulfill thirty (30) units of the Ph.D. program requirements in meeting the requirements for their concurrent Doctoral program. Core requirements:

Required Courses




Program Tuition

The Doctor’s degree consists of 60 units. Tuition will be charged at the rate of $300 per unit, totaling 18,000 dollars. Students must complete all class requirements and satisfy all financial obligations in order to graduate.

DOCTOR of ministry

Candidates entering the D.Min. program shall have a Master’s Degree including thirty (30) units of prerequisites in Biblical Studies. In some cases a candidate may request and receive assessment for prerequisite requirements. D.Min. shall consist of the following 24 units of core subjects plus 6 elective units:



Required Courses

3 Units Total

MIN-610                  HOMILETICS II

MIN-611                  HOMILETICS III

MIN-704                  CHURCH RECORDS

MIN-707                  THE CHURCH LIBRARY

MIN-801                  CHURCH OFFICERS


MIN-660                  MINISTRY INTERNSHIP

Program Tuition

The Doctor’s degree consists of 30 units. Tuition will be charged at the rate of $250 per unit, totaling $7500 dollars. Students must complete all class requirements and satisfy all financial obligations in order to graduate.


Candidates entering the Th.D. program shall have earned a Master of Theology Degree. In some cases a candidate may request and receive assessment for prerequisite requirements. Th.D. shall consist of the following 30 units of core requirements:



Required Courses

3 Units Per Course | Dissertation  12 Units

THY-501                   SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY

THY-503                   PASTORAL THEOLOGY

THY-503B                 PASTORAL THEOLOGY II

THY-703                   CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY


THY-779                   DISSERTATION RESEARCH

THY-780                   DISSERTATION

Program Tuition

The Doctor’s degree consists of 60 units. Tuition will be charged at the rate of $250 per unit, totaling 15,000 dollars. Students must complete all class requirements and satisfy all financial obligations in order to graduate.

NDU Degree Programs

The hour has come to prepare and equip a new breed of budding prophets and fivefold ministerial gifts to Kingdom Dominion. The “wind of God” is blowing to prophetically affect a remnant nation to manifest the glory of God within the venues of men and women.



The ABS Degree Program shall consist of the following 30 core units, plus 30 elective units. Fifteen (15) units must be completed with NDU and forty-five (45) units may be assessed or transfer units if they meet degree requirements.



All Bachelor Degree programs have the requirement of a Bible/Theology Major consisting of the following core requirements. All Bachelor programs require the completion of 120 Semester Units, except the Bachelor of Theology, which requires 150 Units. A minimum of 25% of unit requirements must be completed at NDU.



All Master’s Degree program students must complete required units indicated by the major of their choice. A minimum of 24 units must be completed at NDU.



All Doctoral Degree program students must complete required units indicated by the Major of their choice. A minimum of 24 Units must be completed at NDU.


Next Dimension University

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